
Will I Still Be Able to Eat My Favorite Foods With Dental Implants?

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Missing, broken, or decayed teeth make eating a challenge. People that can’t chew food effectively may slowly change their diets and choose soft foods out of necessity. Dental implants are designed to mimic natural teeth. Most implants let you eat your favorite foods without dietary restrictions.

Middle-aged man preparing to eat an apple.

Why Should I Consider Dental Implants?

Dental implants are embedded within the jawbone. They replace lost or damaged teeth with metal posts and artificial teeth. Titanium rods bond with the bone to provide stability and strength, similar to natural teeth bonded through roots. 

Unlike dentures, implants can’t slip out of place while you’re eating or drinking.

Implants are also a good alternative when there aren’t enough natural teeth left to anchor dentures or bridgework. An implant doesn’t move under pressure and helps achieve a strong bite to chew food effectively.

How Do Implants Work?

Implant procedures are adapted for each individual according to the condition of the jawbone and the preferred type of implant. Damaged natural teeth are removed before implant surgery, and some people need grafts to prepare the jawbone.

Sometimes multiple outpatient surgical procedures are performed over several months. The jawbone needs time to heal tightly around each implant. 

This ensures solid support for artificial teeth.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

Some discomfort is expected during and after implant surgery. Side effects may include swelling of the gums or face, bruising around the mouth, bleeding, or pain at the implant site. Pain medications and antibiotics may be prescribed.

Soft foods are necessary for a short time after each stage of a dental implant procedure. It’s important to avoid sticky or tough foods during recovery. Many surgeons use self-dissolving stitches, but stitches may be removed as well.

How Do I Keep My Dental Implants Healthy?

You can do a lot to help your dental implants last for a long time. Oral hygiene is extremely important. Interdental brushes are designed to clean between teeth and reach tiny nooks and indents to keep artificial teeth, gum tissue, and metal posts clean.

Follow all instructions or advice from your oral surgeon. Schedule routine dental checkups and professional cleaning as often as your surgeon recommends. Avoid chewing exceptionally hard items, such as ice or hard candy. Biting down on such unyielding surfaces can damage natural and artificial teeth. Minimize or eliminate caffeine in your diet, and don’t use tobacco products.

Where Can I Learn More?

If you are considering dental implants, you can contact our office at 858-295-0603 with any questions or concerns. Visit us online at La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics to schedule a consultation.