Periodontal Care in San Diego, CA

Your smile reveals your joy and confidence to the world. At La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics, Dr. Kami Kohani and his dedicated team are committed to helping you maintain ideal oral health, a large part of which includes periodontal care. While discoloration and decay can cause cosmetic issues and sometimes severe problems for teeth, it’s the status of your gums and underlying bone that determines whether they get loose or fall out altogether.

While your gums may seem healthy, if you are not practicing a vigilant oral hygiene routine, you risk developing some form of periodontal disease. This condition affects the gums specifically and comes in multiple stages, with each becoming more severe if left untreated.

Receiving regular dental checkups at La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics helps ensure your gums remain healthy. If you do show signs of gum disease, our San Diego dentist can treat it. Dr. Kohani offers several options to restore gum health and prevent the progression of periodontal disease.

Dr. Kohani also provides sedation dentistry for patients who experience anxiety or have dental phobias to make your experience with us a positive one.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Unlike many oral health problems, periodontal disease is entirely preventable with proper oral hygiene. Brushing twice daily and flossing your teeth, as well as using an appropriate mouthwash as needed throughout the day, will all but eliminate your chances of acquiring periodontal issues. Other factors like maintaining a healthy weight and refraining from smoking will lessen your chances of gum disease.

Periodontal disease progresses in stages, with gingivitis being the earliest and mildest form. This condition is caused by prolonged plaque and tartar buildup on the surface of the teeth that spreads just under the gum line, causing inflammation. You may notice signs of gingivitis when your gums begin to bleed (even slightly) whenever you brush or floss. To combat gingivitis, it is important to floss daily and receive a dental cleaning from Dr. Kohani every six months, at which time he will remove the hardened plaque (tartar) from your teeth.

When gingivitis is left untreated, it will eventually progress to periodontitis — the most severe form of periodontal disease. When this occurs, the inflammation causes your gums to start receding from teeth, creating pockets that allow plaque to develop further below the gum line and infect tooth roots.

Additionally, your body’s immune system will begin to fight the infection, breaking down the tissues that help keep your teeth in place. In the most problematic cases of periodontitis, the infection can destroy the teeth, gums, jawbone, and other supporting tissues, making it almost impossible to save your smile.

What Are Some Top Benefits of Periodontal Treatment?

Healthy Gums Improve Your Smile

Periodontal disease can cause gaps, redness, loose teeth, and tooth loss. Treatment is designed to protect and repair unhealthy gums for a bright and uniform smile.

Help Eliminate Bad Breath

Progressing gum disease is a leading cause of halitosis (bad breath).

Reduces Self-Consciousness

Individuals with gum disease may hide their smiles for many reasons, which prevents them from expressing themselves authentically.

Contributes Significantly to Improved Overall Health

Gum disease has been proven to increase the risk of developing some systemic health problems and worsening others. Oral bacteria is potent and can enter the bloodstream easily when periodontitis is present. Some of these conditions include:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Respiratory Illness
  • Preterm Labor
  • Dementia

What Are My Periodontal Treatment Options?

Dr. Kohani offers the following treatment options to reduce your risk of gum disease and restore periodontal health if it exists. Custom treatment plans to address gum disease at La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics start with a consultation. Our San Diego dentist will listen carefully to your dental concerns and goals, answer questions, examine your teeth and gums, order imaging, and recommend the most appropriate treatment(s).

Because periodontal disease occurs in stages, your treatment will likely vary depending on the severity of your case. The goal of periodontal disease treatment, whether you have gingivitis or periodontitis, is to eliminate the infection as much as possible and save your natural dentition. However, getting there may involve one or more treatment methods.

Periodontal procedures can include:

Scaling And Root Planing

The most common way to combat periodontal disease is with a deep cleaning process, otherwise known as scaling and root planing. If our dental hygienist feels you may require a deep cleaning, our specialist will measure your gum pockets to confirm.

This minor procedure can begin on the same day, but in most cases, the treatment will be performed one section (or one side) at a time, and you may need to schedule a separate appointment to complete the treatment.

  • The first step of a deep dental cleaning is called scaling. Plaque and tartar are removed from below the gum line.
  • The second step of a deep dental cleaning is called root planing. The root surfaces of your teeth are scraped and smoothed to encourage gum tissue to reattach firmly to the tooth roots.

Each step is performed on the first section and at a subsequent appointment on the remaining section(s).

Flap Surgery

When deeper pockets have begun to form around the teeth, it becomes necessary to treat the receding gums to keep bacteria from spreading. Flap surgery involves removing the plaque below the gum line and then placing the gums back around the tooth using sutures.

Gum Grafting

In cases where the teeth and gums have begun to atrophy due to periodontitis, gum grafting may be the most effective option to maintain your natural dentition. Either guided tissue regeneration or a soft tissue graft can be used to regrow gum tissue. Grafting procedures help regenerate bone or tissue that has been lost. If resorption has caused severe bone loss, a bone graft may be necessary.

Call our San Diego, California, periodontal care provider at (858) 295-0603 to schedule your consultation.

What Can I Expect During Recovery From Periodontal Treatment Procedures?

Your recovery period depends on the procedure(s) required to restore your gum health. Downtime can range from zero (for a deep cleaning) to substantial (for gum grafting).

If Dr. Kohani expects you to experience discomfort, he will likely prescribe pain medication to help you manage it.

How Do I Maintain My Gum Health After Periodontal Care?

Regular dental visits and a commitment to strict oral hygiene habits are essential to prevent and maintain gum health. Dr. Kohani can advise you of other steps needed for your gums to heal and remain healthy according to your individual circumstances.

Call (858) 295-0603 to reach Dr. Kohani’s San Diego office and schedule your periodontal checkup today.

To learn more about periodontal disease along with the treatment options that are available to you, contact La Jolla Cosmetic Dentistry & Orthodontics at 858-295-0603 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kohani.

Periodontal Disease and Treatment FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Common symptoms of periodontal disease include swollen, tender, or bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, receding gums, loose or shifting teeth, changes in the fit of dentures, and the formation of pockets between the gums and teeth. It’s essential to seek professional dental care if you experience any of these symptoms.

Periodontal disease is typically diagnosed through a comprehensive dental examination, which may include a visual inspection of the gums, measurements of pocket depths using a periodontal probe, dental X-rays to assess bone loss, and other diagnostic tests as needed. Early detection and intervention are crucial for managing periodontal disease effectively.

Treatment for periodontal disease varies depending on the severity and extent of your condition. Periodontal care procedures include professional dental cleanings, scaling and root planing (deep cleaning), antibiotic therapy, laser therapy, and surgical procedures such as flap surgery or bone grafting to restore damaged tissues and promote gum and bone regeneration.

Yes, periodontal disease can be prevented with good oral hygiene practices, including brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, using an antimicrobial mouthwash, and scheduling regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Avoiding tobacco products, eating a balanced diet, and managing systemic health conditions such as diabetes can also help reduce the risk of periodontal disease.

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining periodontal health. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products provides essential nutrients that support gum and bone health. Limiting sugary snacks and beverages, which can contribute to plaque buildup and tooth decay, is also important for preventing periodontal disease.

The American Dental Association recommends having your teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist at least once every six months as part of a comprehensive preventive care plan. However, individuals with a history of periodontal disease or other risk factors may require more frequent cleanings to maintain optimal oral health.

Gingivitis and early periodontal disease may be reversible with proper oral hygiene and professional dental care. However, once periodontal disease progresses to more advanced stages, such as periodontitis, it often cannot be fully reversed. However, its progression can be managed and controlled through ongoing treatment and maintenance to prevent further damage and preserve oral health.